Chabot Shooting Outing

On November 12th and 13th we had our November outing at Anthony Chabot Regional Park and the Chabot Gun Club.  We spent Saturday afternoon at the rifle range learning about gun safety, parts of a rifle, and how to shoot a .22 caliber rifle at a target 50 feet away.  [Read more…]

60th Anniversary Celebration

On October 1st, 2011, Troop 27 celebrated its 60th anniversary with a splendid event. Nearly 200 people spanning several generations of scouts, past, present and future came to reunite with old friends, meet new friends, and remember the important part T27 played in their lives. [Read more…]

Summer Camp 2011

– Written by Troop Scribe Nathan G.

From July 16 to July 23, Troop 27 went on the most central outing of the year – 2011 Summer Camp at Lake Spaulding. For more than a week, scouts camped, learned, and had a great time at this unique T27 experience. [Read more…]