August Outing

August 25 – 26, 2012
Location: TBD

We continue to build skills that have been well practiced at Summer Camp. Most of the boys will have either earned, or nearly earned, the Canoeing Merit badge at Summer Camp. This outing is typically a 10+ mile tour of a Class1-2 river. We spend Saturday practicing, and Sunday touring. What a great way to enjoy the dog days of summer – on a cool river!

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Weather at Camp Site

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Check back here again soon at this web site for a post-event report on our Troop 27 shared experience with the Venture Crew 27 Treasure Hunt for 2012.


Summer Camp 2012

This summer our troop continued its unique, 50-plus-year tradition of building its own summer camp at a lake in the high Sierra.  20 participants in the Advance Camp prepared the camp by cleaning up what others had left behind and creating facilities that included a large kitchen, three latrines, impressive flagpole, waterfront and much more.

The troop endured several miles of rough roads to reach Sawmill Lake where they were richly rewarded.  Summer camp included 40 scouts (patrols, Senior Patrol Leaders and the Instructor Corps) who participated in swimming and boating, navigation & ropework skills, working with others, (propane-fired) campfire experiences and having lots of fun, all in a beautiful wilderness setting.

Some advancement opportunities included a 5-mile troop hike, First Class orienteering course, Trail to First Class requirements and various merit badges, including Camping, Canoeing, Communications, several crafts merit badges, Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Science, Fishing, Geocaching, Lifesaving, Nature, Orienteering, Photography, Pioneering, Sailing and – of course – Swimming.

There were patrol contests such as canoe races, wood chopping and the two-man saw.  The scouts enjoyed games like Tug-O-War, Two Ball and the very popular White Bomb.  Five scouts completed the mile swim as well.

Highlights included a night of lightning and heavy rain, crossing the Lake Faucherie spillway during our 5-mile hike and bridging new scouts across a monkey bridge.  We will remember the beautiful scenery, clear water and relationships that deepened during the outing. Of course we followed “leave no trace” principles and restored the area to its natural condition before we departed.  Overall, this was an outstanding summer camp experience!

Webelos Canoe Event & BBQ

Sunday March 25, 2012 12:00 – 3:00PM
Marlin Park, Redwood Shores This is an event for Webelos and their parents. The boys will learn beginning canoe skills with Troop 27 Boy Scouts. Parents are encouraged to come ask questions and experience one of our troop activities. The boys should bring a bathing suit and towel.

Summer Camp Planning

July 17 – 20: 2012: Advance Camp

July 20 – 27: Summer Camp

July 28: Summer Camp Clean-up

Location: (targeting) Loon Lake

Summer camp planning is well underway, so make sure you’ve set aside the week!

This summer our troop will continue its unique, 50-year tradition of building its own summer camp at a lake in the high Sierra.  Summer camp offers Scouts waterfront activities, wood skills, working with others in their patrols, campfire experiences and having lots of fun, all in a beautiful wilderness setting. [Read more…]

Webelos Extreme 2011

At Coyote Point on September 24th there was a gathering of troops from Pacific Skyline Council. Our troop participates in this fun and informative event every year. For Webelos it’s an opportunity to visit troops, meet some Boy Scouts and adult leaders, and find out about each troop’s program and general approach to Scouting. [Read more…]

Stanislaus River Canoe Outing

-Written by Troop Scribe Nathan G.

On August 20th and 21st, Troop 27 embarked on yet another great outing: whitewater canoeing on the Stanislaus River. We arrived at the river around noon and unloaded the canoes. While the adults moved the cars to the end of the stretch of river we were going on, scouts waited in the shade where some scouts went in a still section of the river. After the adults returned, we were assigned canoe buddies, packed lunches in coolers, and started on our 13 mile trip. It was a very nice river with calm stretches and stretches with rapids. We only had a few canoes capsize, and everyone reached the final destination safely. We then hiked a short distance to our campsites, had backpacking style dinners (adding hot water), had a campfire, and went to sleep. Most scouts chose to sleep under the stars and we were lucky to have such a great view of the sky. The next morning, we packed up, had a backpacking breakfast, and listened to Mr. Frydenlund’s Scouts’ Own about obedience and disobedience and three types of laws: natural laws, just laws, and trivial laws. After a camp sweep, we hiked out and unloaded the canoes again. Instead of doing a short stretch of rapids, we decided to do the same 13 mile course we had done the day before. In the middle of the course, some scouts took part in rescuing some rafters under the direction of Mr. Frydenlund. We then continued along the river and reached the end smoothly. This experience was undoubtedly skill-enhancing and great preparation for the September canoe outing.


Summer Camp 2011

– Written by Troop Scribe Nathan G.

From July 16 to July 23, Troop 27 went on the most central outing of the year – 2011 Summer Camp at Lake Spaulding. For more than a week, scouts camped, learned, and had a great time at this unique T27 experience. [Read more…]