Camping Activities

Chabot Shooting Outing

On November 12th and 13th we had our November outing at Anthony Chabot Regional Park and the Chabot Gun Club.  We spent Saturday afternoon at the rifle range learning about gun safety, parts of a rifle, and how to shoot a .22 caliber rifle at a target 50 feet away.  [Read more…]

Yosemite Camp Outing

October 15, 2011 – Scout Report

Yosemite, CA:  We met at church at 7:00 to load the trailer.  Then there was a 4-hour drive to our camp.  We made a great spaghetti dinner.  All the boys camped in their own camp while the parents and leaders were in their own, separate camp.

We had fun entertainment with skits and music around the campfire.


Stanislaus River Canoe Outing

-Written by Troop Scribe Nathan G.

On August 20th and 21st, Troop 27 embarked on yet another great outing: whitewater canoeing on the Stanislaus River. We arrived at the river around noon and unloaded the canoes. While the adults moved the cars to the end of the stretch of river we were going on, scouts waited in the shade where some scouts went in a still section of the river. After the adults returned, we were assigned canoe buddies, packed lunches in coolers, and started on our 13 mile trip. It was a very nice river with calm stretches and stretches with rapids. We only had a few canoes capsize, and everyone reached the final destination safely. We then hiked a short distance to our campsites, had backpacking style dinners (adding hot water), had a campfire, and went to sleep. Most scouts chose to sleep under the stars and we were lucky to have such a great view of the sky. The next morning, we packed up, had a backpacking breakfast, and listened to Mr. Frydenlund’s Scouts’ Own about obedience and disobedience and three types of laws: natural laws, just laws, and trivial laws. After a camp sweep, we hiked out and unloaded the canoes again. Instead of doing a short stretch of rapids, we decided to do the same 13 mile course we had done the day before. In the middle of the course, some scouts took part in rescuing some rafters under the direction of Mr. Frydenlund. We then continued along the river and reached the end smoothly. This experience was undoubtedly skill-enhancing and great preparation for the September canoe outing.


Summer Camp 2011

– Written by Troop Scribe Nathan G.

From July 16 to July 23, Troop 27 went on the most central outing of the year – 2011 Summer Camp at Lake Spaulding. For more than a week, scouts camped, learned, and had a great time at this unique T27 experience. [Read more…]