Approximately 19 scouts and 8 adults gathered Saturday morning at 7:30 AM at the church for the Troop’s annual Klondike outing. The scouts divided up into cars and headed out for Cisco Grove.
Upon arriving, the scouts unloaded their gear and started setting up snow shelters. There was 2 feet of snow on the field and 1 foot of water beneath the snow. A few of the scouts fell through soft spots in the snow and were drenched by the cold water underneath the snow. These scouts were rescued by other troop members and dried out/changed clothes before continuing to work on their shelters. During dinner, the troop huddled around a fire to keep warm. Due to the efforts used building snow shelters, the scouts turned in early for bed. It snowed six inches overnight, causing a couple of tarps to collapse on some sleeping scouts. After re-setting the tarps, the scouts were able to get back to sleep.
Sunday morning began with breakfast (bacon and eggs) followed by flag ceremony and games and activities. Approximately 10 boy scout troops and one cub scout pack (along with the Troop 27 venture crew) camped at the site, although a few troops left before the games began. Activities included a sled race, snowshoe relay and four man ski. The cub scout pack performed well, beating one of the Troop 27 patrols in the sled race. Unfortunately, there was no tobacco spitting event this year.
Troop 27 was very well prepared for the weekend and the elements and was the last troop to leave the event. The troop had soup for lunch, took their gear out on sleds and finished the event with a snowball fight. On the drive home, the troop stopped at IN-N-OUT burger in Davis for dinner. Back at the church, many of the scouts took a troop tarp home to dry out.