2024 Summer Camp

This year, the troop went up to Summit Lake for our annual week-long summer camp. Troop 27 hiked in to greet the advanced camp team who went up 3 days prior and built the camp for the troop. On the first day, the troop participated in Spec Ops which is a series of events where patrols compete against each other in obstacle courses, memory games, knife throwing, and knot tying. On Tuesday of summer camp, the troop competed in Paul Bunyan day where scouts showed their knowledge of woodworking skills in events such as 2 man saw, 1 man saw, log lift, and tomahawk throwing. At the midpoint of the week the troop went on a 5-Mile hike visiting nearby lakes while some of the older scouts participated in Orienteering merit badge where they orienteered to nearby lakes and landmarks. On Thursday, Troop 27 competed in waterfront day by swimming and canoeing as fast as they could. The big event of waterfront day was Swamp Wars where patrols try to fill other boats with water and sink them before they get sunk. During Thursday’s campfire, patrol used their patrol points they earned from winning events to purchase auction items that the ICs spent their time crafting that have hidden candy and soda rewards. Finally on the event day of summer camp, patrols did white bomb day where they played capture the flag and threw sacks of flour in a paintball-esque manner to get someone out. At the campfire of Friday, patrols were recognised for winning events and certain scouts who reached above and beyond got recognized for their amazing skill. On Saturday, the troop packed up the last of their belongings and headed home after an amazing summer camp.

Write-up provided by Zachary Wong, Cobra Patrol, Assistant Patrol Leader